Make-A-Wish Australia supporters Frank and Helen

Leave a gift in your Will to charity

A charitable bequest to Make-A-Wish is a powerful, lasting contribution. Leave a legacy that creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illness.

A gift in your will can make more life-changing wishes come true

By making a heartfelt charitable bequest you can leave an enduring impact that brings life-changing wishes to children facing critical illnesses.

Your legacy has the power to create inspirational wishes and transform their lives forever. Bequests of any size will make a big difference in the lives of children with life-threatening illness and their families.

Create your Will Online for free today

If you don’t already have a Will or you need a new one, you could consider creating Your Will online for free at Gathered Here in just 10 minutes with free and unlimited updates.

How to include a gift in your will

The size and nature of your gift will depend on your personal and family circumstances.

Every gift is powerful. Your solicitor can help make the choice that is right for you and your loved ones.

As a guide, the main types of bequest are:

  • Residuary gift: After making provision for your family and loved ones, you can choose to give part or the balance of your estate to Make-A-Wish Australia.
  • Percentage: You can donate a percentage of your entire estate.
  • Pecuniary gift: You can nominate to give a specific dollar value.
  • Specific items of value: You can give particular items, such as property, shares and life insurance funds.
  • Whole estate: You can leave your entire estate to Make-A-Wish Australia.

Here is some suggested wording to use when adding a gift to Make-A-Wish Australia in your Will*:

I hereby bequeath _______ [insert details] to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Australia Ltd of Level 1, 620 Church Street, Richmond, Victoria, 3121, Australia, ABN 97 006 497 632, for its general purposes, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

*It’s important to seek independent and professional advice from a reputable solicitor to make sure your Will is legal and valid.

Letting loved ones and executors know about your decision to leave a gift in your Will is an important step to ensure your wishes are carried out.

We'd also encourage you to let us know about your intended gift. This helps us to:

  • Ensure we can thank you properly and keep you updated on our work.
  • Invite you to events and opportunities to welcome you to the Make-A-Wish family.

Send us a message by filling in the short contact form - or you can also call us on 1800 032 260

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Want to talk first?

If you have any questions or would like to discuss leaving a gift in your will with us, please call us on 1800 032 260. After hours? No problem. Contact us via the button below, and we'll call you back!

Why wishes matter

A gift in your Will to Make-A-Wish Australia is a powerful, lasting contribution.

In Australia today, the latest medical guidelines suggest more than 9,500 children have a life-threatening illness*. Thousands more are born or diagnosed with serious illnesses each year, for example:

  • Around 3,000 babies are born with a heart condition each year (
  • One in every 2,500 births produces a child with cystic fibrosis (
  • 950 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer per year (Children's Cancer Institute)

*Source: Palliative Care Service Development Guidelines – Dec 2018 Paediatric Addendum

Make A Wish Australia Children's Charity - Audrey with her family hugging on the beach

Our mission is to grant the wish of every eligible child. With 800 children already on a wish journey, every dollar raised helps more kids get their wish faster, which is why your support is so vital.

Research shows wishes complement a child’s medical treatment and calm, distract and empower sick kids, their families and communities at the time they need it most.

It would be so nice if everyone who donates could see the magic wishes brings to all the seriously ill children who receive them.

Grace Favelle - cancer survivor, former wish child and current Make-A-Wish ambassador

Latest research

At Make-A-Wish, we experience the impact of wishes every day in stories from children, letters from parents and feedback from hard-working volunteers and medical practitioners.

Now, a recent US study suggests wishes give seriously ill children more than just hope, providing a demonstrated clinical benefit.

In the 2018 study led by America’s Nationwide Children’s Hospital, pediatric patients granted a wish were 2.5 times less likely to have unplanned hospital admissions and 1.9 times less likely to visit the emergency department*.

This latest research supports findings from other Make-A-Wish studies around the world, suggesting wish kids on the whole feel better and get to spend more quality time with their families.

See more of the research here

Meet our legacy donors

Meet some of our gift in will legacy supporters here and learn their stories.

Make A Wish Australia Children's Charity - Frank & Helen gift in will couple

Frank and Helen are lifetime supporters

Frank and Helen are passionate about making wishes come true, and will leave a gift in their will as their lasting legacy.

Frank & Helen's story

Make A Wish Australia Children's Charity - Gift in will woman Charmaine

Charmaine was inspired by a special wish

Charmaine shares the impact Make-A-Wish has had on her own life - and the wish that inspired her great commitment.

Charmaine's story

Learn more about including a gift in your will

Download our brochure to learn about the types of bequests you can leave in your will, advice on wording gifts in your will, and to read more about our Wish Stories from our legacy donors.

Interested in leaving a gift in your will? We're here to help

If you're thinking about making a special bequest through your Will, we can help you understand the options available, the process (including words to use in your Will), and what happens next.

It’s important to seek independent and professional advice when considering leaving a special bequest. A solicitor can help you understand your options and ensure your Will is legal and valid - so you know your wishes will be carried out.